Free wi-fi in Krk

Sep 9th, 2007 | Category:Emigrate to and live in Croatia

Something I’ve been taking for granted for at least a year now is the fact that the whole of the waterfront on Krk (the city), is covered by free wi-fi access. The service is sponsored by the Islands Municipal Council as part of its strategy to further develop Krk’s infrastructure and to provide better facilities for both residents and visitors. The Public Access Point is provided by Krk Systemi, who also operate an air-conditioned internet cafe located by the main bus / coach station in the city. The rates for the internet cafe are fairly reasonable though I haven’t used it myself. The facilities include availability of printers and the capability to burn your digital holiday snaps onto CD, as well as of course PC’s to surf on.

Personally I tend to prefer sitting in a nearby cafe (try Casa del Padrone for their delicious cocktails and cakes!) with my wireless laptop from where I can check emails in the sun! I can vouch for the reliability and speed of the connection wholeheartedly, the only slight annoyance is having to click on one of the sponsors banners every 15 minutes or so. A small price to pay I think.

It seems that I’m not the only one to appreciate this free service. Apparently many of the locals in Krk town are slightly peeved that the coverage only extends to the waterfront and not as far as their homes. The system has been so successful that it has now been extended to the town of Omisalj, with one Public Access Point covering the main beach area and the second covering the town centre. The longer term plan is to extend coverage to all the major tourist spots on the island. Happy surfing!

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