Croatia property buying process – now with FAQ’s

Jun 8th, 2008 | Category:Buying property in Croatia

Croatia Property FAQs

Well, here it is - our buying property in Croatia FAQs page. specialises in helping overseas property buyers - from anywhere in the world - to identify the right property in Croatia that will fit their requirements. Our clients typically have a number of decisions to consider, ranging from "is Croatia somewhere I’d like to visit and live in" through to "how long do I have to wait before I officially own my property". And a whole host of other questions in between.

The Croatia Property & Travel Blog, which you're reading now, is part of our service to clients and prospective clients to help deal with those questions. Whilst we update our blog regularly, there will always be questions and answers that we haven't featured yet.

Almost exactly 12 months ago we launched our Buying Property in Croatia guide on the main site. We know from the feedback we have received from clients that this has, over time, become a useful resource to help try and demystify the sometimes confusing process of buying property in Croatia. Along the way, clients have kept asking us a whole host of questions related to the buying process in Croatia, which we have been answering on a case by case basis. Recently, we set about trawling through all the questions we've been asked and compiled a set of Frequently Asked Questions which we have now published. Perhaps of more importance is the fact that we've published the answers too!

If you’ve been contemplating buying property in Croatia and don't know your Notary Public from your Pre-Contract, or you're confused about what the Ministry of Justice in Croatia does, then its likely the question has been asked before and that we've answered it. The FAQs should be read in conjunction with our Buying Process page. Needless to say, if you do have any questions that we haven’t answered, or if you have questions about the FAQ's themselves, then just contact us and we’ll be happy to help out if we can.

Current resources available on Croatian Villas For Sale include this blog as well as the following pages:

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